I. Just today, don't get angry.

Negative emotions lower your energy level. They are energy "eaters". They cause contamination of the chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra, and therefore cause diseases of the internal organs (if we only keep these emotions in the body and mind long enough). Also, constantly experiencing these kinds of emotions doesn't make sense. I do not know a case when anger caused healing, awakened joy in life, or attracted wealth.

This kind of anger is not worth indulging in. If you are angry a lot, think about it and find out the cause of the feeling of being constantly upset, and then release it positively.

Remember that anger hurts you and your life. Learn to control it. Before yelling at someone, take 10 deep breaths. Then again 10. Don't leave difficult conversations, work or study at the last minute. Regularity, solving problems and conflicts regularly, create a calmer, less nervous life. Reiki and regular meditation help a lot in this, as exercise reduces the stress levels in the mind and body.

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